Thursday, December 22, 2011

Backdated post... All abt photo shoot, food tasting, sisters' dresses & Church invitation cards

Yes, this is a backdated post... Wanna update that photo shoot is done; one task down...
Oh yes... Food tasting is also done! Yummy..

We had our photo shoot on 21 Dec. The initial plan was to complete both the indoor & outdoor shoot on two dates- 21st & 22nd Nov... But dear kana food poisoning after the indoor shoot... Rather bad... Had to cancel the outdoor shoot and we did it again on 9 Dec...
It was tiring but we both enjoyed it! Gal & Ýøng tagged along... Well, Ýøng was there to be the silent photographer... Ha! Thanks to her, of course... At least I have some special edition!

Then it was the food tasting on 14 Dec... We proceed with the menu we selected except the dessert- it taste so spicy... How could that be! Watermelon that's spicy! Impossible! So we had it changed to Ginseng Passion Fruit with Longan! Sound great!

Well... Sisters' dresses... I took such a long time sourcing for the dress! Initially wanted to tailor made but then I was afraid it will take a long time & the design may not be what I want, hence I started sourcing online & at shops! Wow.. It was a fruitful search! It motivated me to further step forward fir my online biz which I have a vision that this online biz will surely prospect and have its very first outlet in less than 2 years! Yeah... Shall have the dress posted soon!

Now... Its invitation card printing! Gonna have it done before we leave for holiday! Thanks Pastor Ang for his time & assistance in providing me with the template, as well as adjusting his time for the Church Ceremony! Praise the Lord!

Seciously, I m very excited over the church ceremony! That's my dream... Yes, I gonna cherish what was provided! Of course I can't clap my own hand... So dear got to do a part too! I knew he has been very tired striving at work... He has been telling me that we have a future to build... which I feel sweet! But well dear... We do need a little free time more!

Ok... My eyes are closing... Need to grab some sleep (dear is sleeping so soundly)... Got to wake up early... Gonna select our photos at the studio in the morning! Yes, and also select actual day groans!
Gd night, world!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

13 April 2011

Yesterday we went to ROM... Woke up late but manage to get there juz b4 10.30am. Waited for a short while and it was our turn to collect the neccessary docs. Din knw the process and when the person attending to us got Dear to raise his hand to make a vow for the marriage... Well, kind of sweet & touched... Could also feel that he was nervous while reading out the vow as he stumbled...
I was nervous as well and when the person congrat mi, i congrated him back... Then, when i realised it, I laughed...

Thereafter, I thou I shall proceed to Orchard to get some stuff but who knows Dear wanted me to tag along to the job site... Sooo, i followed. Got home with a tired body and fell asleep while Dear continued his work...

had been feeling warm and luV lately... I mean MORE luV fr Dear... Haha... He has more attention on me on kind of becoming sweeter...

Well, I continue to pray for the marriage...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Path of our life till death do us apart dated 9 January 2011

Whiloe browsing thru fb earlier on.... Saw this sweet note fr Dear...

"I have not been logging in to face book quite sometime...A note for her...

 Finally after establishing my career & business,that is a great success, i have decided to ask for my gal's hand @Carmen Toh on the 18 of April 2011. How come a sudden change?

God and Fate bought us together and I have finally manage to settle down together with her. We've been through hell, roaming storm through all the hard path and obstacles in life. We faced all the dangers & problems and through thick & thin, but with joy...

Religion wise, I actually do not know who i am. But I will host our rom according to her way. Gals have dreams esp on their wedding day. I will  fulfill her wish.

Thanks for the love and support that she had given to me all this while. I have found the right person to be with to the end of life!"

Friday, March 25, 2011

I Dun Wanna Miss A Thing

This Morn... dear brighten my day when he asked me to listen to the song "I dun wanna miss a thing"... I actually asked dear how he knows he loves me... (everytime I asked him.. Hahaha)

I had never heard of this song before! So, i went and search for the song... It's touches me!

Thank you dear!